Domestic Violence: Your Questions Answered

We Are Resilient: The Facts

One of the most dangerous and insidious truths about domestic violence is that it’s easy to ignore if not blatantly visible. Domestic violence is an epidemic impacting individuals in every community – regardless of age, economic status, sexual orientation, gender, race, religion, or nationality.

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. There is so much more than what is widely known about domestic violence. As advocates of human rights, we must do our part in spreading awareness and connect with likeminded organizations to create a zero-tolerance culture for domestic violence.

What is domestic violence?

Domestic violence is the willful intimidation using power and control by one intimate partner against another. This includes physical violence, sexual violence, threats, emotional abuse, and other forms of control.

Who is affected?

·     An average of 20 people experience domestic violence every minute in the U.S.

·     1 in 4 women experience domestic violence during their lifetime.

·     23% of women have experienced severe physical domestic violence (beating, burning, strangulation) during their lifetime.

·     The domestic violence hotline receives over 13 calls every minute.

·     Domestic violence is most common for women between ages 18-24.

·     1 in 2 female murder victims are killed by an intimate partner. 

The Aftermath

·     1 in 5 female victims need medical care.**Only 34% receive the necessary medical care**

·     1 in 5 female victims need legal services.

·     57% of female victims are concerned about their safety.

·     52% of female victims show PTSD (posttraumatic stress disorder) symptoms.

·     Increased rate of depression and suicidal behavior.

·     21% – 60% of victims lose their jobs due to reasons stemming from the abuse.

How can you help?

Leaving an abusive relationship is a highly personal decision that must be made by the survivor. It is imperative that survivors have resources they can trust. Many survivors are isolated by their abusers. It is important to know how you can support survivors on the path to finding safety.

The National Domestic Violence Hotline offers 24/7 phone and chat support to help identify ways to support a loved one experiencing domestic violence.

Call 1.800.799.SAFE (7233)

Text START to 88788